Friday, 22 October 2010

Adding sky

I have added sky to my enviorment. I did this surrounding it with a sphear and adding a sky material onto it via material editor. In then added a normal editor to it so that then sky material would show up on the inside rather than out. I then righ clicked on the sphere and added a backface cull, which allows me to see inside the sphere, this means i can see my enviornment and i can still edit it.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Racing line improved

I previouslely created a racing pole but i decided to improve this further by adding some starting lights onto it. I did this by starting with a cube. I made the cube into a rectangluar shape.

I created a cylinder and extruded inwards to make a hole. I created a sphear and fitted the sphear into it. I made them two different colours, red and green. I gave my lights a shiny effect by chnaging the defuse and the glossiness. I then attached my lights with a cylinder then dending it around the top pole. I then grouped them together and merged it to my enviorement.

Creating tree

As part if my design, I have created a small tree. I was able to do this by using cylinders on standard primatives, bending them, fitting them onto the tree trunk and grouping them.
I then added leaves to it, i created the leaf on photoshop. I was able to paste the leaf onto 3Ds Max using a plane. I fixed the leaves onto each tree branch and again grouping them. I added a tree bark material to my tree before grouping the object together. I then merged by tree onto my enviorment.

To create the leaf i found an image of a leaf on the internet then i pasted it into photoshop. On one image, i made the leaf white with the black background and on the other, i had the leaf on a white background. I created a plain on 3Ds Max and added both images on the material editor. The black and white image was added on the opacity and the colour on the defuse.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Creating and Adding Assets

Addign and Creating Assets
I have nearly created my 3D envirmoent.
I have created all of my assets. I have created a tree which i did by using standard primatives. First i planned to create it by using a cylinder and extruding and beveling but the branche didn't look good so i cloned the cylinder i made for the trunk and shrunk it in size and width. I added the leaves on by finding a tree on 3D Max but i didn't want to include the trunk or the branches, so only the leaves appeared.

I expanded the the tree to the correct size so the leaves fitted. I origionly wanted to clone my own leaf but it affected the amount of the polygon count, causing the software to crash.

I then leanrt how to add a light onto my enviorement. This was done to make everything look more realistic in tearms of graphics, and allowing me to add shadows.